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Truth will sound better MISDEED PRIDE 3.1

  Misdeed pride 3.1 chapter - 3 Truth will sound better It is a shame that today one brother killed another brother just to get a government job. The  Chief Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar had given the first information four days from today,  to the media person and if one of the Scheduled Tribe family is killed, one will be given a  government job. In a village in Bihar, one brother killed another brother. Who is responsible for  this, you or this government and its system. Yes, we are all responsible for this. I want to break  the mouth of those who say this and hang them in the neck. It is neither you nor I who are  responsible for this, and the government of this state and country is responsible even more.  Hey, if education system was right then at least it would have been intelligence. And more than  that, you will be tempted by the small castes to get votes for small castes. I have read that it is  the work of the bureaucrats to make laws and amend all the rules, but when

Choosing your openions for politic MISDEED PRIDE 2.9

  Misdeed pride 2.9 chapter - 2 Lost in the mud I was about to go thinking that I got the voice of Lalan Singh, I turned to him and I said that I am  going from here to do some work. He told me that son, where you are going is a very hell. I was  shocked I thought how it came to know that I am being called. Then he immediately said that do  not remain as water yourself in a round of salt water, it is poison not salt water. One of his  companions sitting next to Lalan Singh said that why are there more frogs in Lalan Ji well  nowadays? I explain that there will be all such wells in this country, which will be recognized by  every paddock. This is politics, brother of this country, we recognize every well with its paddock.  I thought that if May I argue this further, the anger of Syed Lallan Singh should go towards me, I  immediately responded by laughing that Bhaiya, you say, then wash your organ with  salty water. Lallan Singh looking at his partner said that Sarjun Babu, the child is

Trapped in dirty politics MISDEED PRIDE 2.8

  Misdeed pride 2.8 (chapter - 2) Lost in the mud People know that you who spend more money on your election than other political parties to  show yourself above it, is the money that is lost from someone else. It is your job how to handle  all these things, but has any party ever thought that what is the house of whose money we are  trying to build our house. How is his emotion when he went to ask for votes, what did he  comfort him by saying no, never think, because the conscience in you has died, the feelings of  the people inside you have become termite, you public Have you played in such a way that a  disloyal woman plays with her husband. I had learned this in such a short life that politics in  India is the same tax that the public knows to cheat, the Criminals know how to crib, and the  most good thing is that the public has to blackmail the public from time to time. I was to serve as Lalan Singh and his Union Minister, there were two reasons. The first was that I had no option

Go for politic MISDEED PRIDE 2.7

  Misdeed pride 2.7 (chapter - 2) Lost in the mud I left her till Lalan Singh 's house. A lot of things were going on in my mind. But I knew that this is  in politics, which was going to happen with Sonia today. That night I was anxious and kept  thinking. I believe that politics is not an affection for anyone, it is just a game that anyone can  play with anyone at any time and at any cost. Just what we are doing, what we are thinking, we  keep our heron while fishing. Well, whatever happened to him that night, I never went to ask  him, and never did that matter anywhere, which I think was the biggest mistake in my politics. I  thought that she would always be loyal to me. But no one has ever liked anyone in this politics,  just as the party that has formed a government with a full majority in the parliament does not  want to see a big parliament. There were not enough days left for the elections to come and the  Union Ministers had to move around in the entire state. Today, after

Ticket to politic MISDEED PRIDE 2.6

  Misdeed pride 2.6 (chapter -2) Lost in the mud I wanted to go through the deeper side of the politics because I think I was taking  interest in politics. I called Soniya and told her to join the party and got ticket from some where. Soniya told me to not. But i insisted him and finally she has agreed with me. We both went to Lalan Singh to talk about it. On the way Soniya asked me that why not i join the party and go through the election. I just told her that I want to just rule the party not to just became like the a particular area's leader. She laughed at me and then also laughed waiting her laughing. She said to me that do I want to become a political Hero. I said, no. I went to the party office and there I saw that SHO was also in the room. He was talking to Lalan Singh about something. Suddenly, he looked at me. I got scared and looked to Soniya. She also didn't understand that what was going to happen at that time. These all the reasons to afraid of that situation was

Education system MISDEED PRIDE 2.5

  Misdeed pride 2.5 (chapter - 2) Lost in the mud Today I was reading a book named "The Coalition Years ( 1996- 2012)", which was written by Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. He was a great politician and the greatest person. He died on 31 August 2020, recently. He was a great parliamentarians and the great thinker too. He praised with Bharat Ratna also, thats he deserves also. In his book I read, he had briefly explaining about his relationship with BHUTAN, NEPAL, SRI LANKA, BANGLADESH AND PAKISTAN. He also explained his parliament's debate against the organizations indulging in terrorists activities and against fugitives who had taken shelter in Pakistan. Today I don't want to write any story about politics or anything but one thing, I would like to say that do the politics but do like Late Shri Pranab Mukherjee. Be calm and quite and do the work as the lions hunt the deer. For him I would like to also one thing is that believe me or not but he is so cute and lovely person. He

What is political thought? MISDEED PRIDE 2.4

 Misdeed pride 2.4 (chapter - 2) Lost in the mud In India, however, there are many orthodoxy ideas and they are everywhere. There are orthodox people in every corner of the world, but India has a different type of orthodox idea which we can call a political worm or termite or simply annihilate. I think it is such that whenever any one of us asks the government at any time, then the people of that party will understand you without knowing you and will tell you the views of the opposition or will say the spoon of the opposition. For those who did not understand this, I give an example. So the thing is that if the government is at the center, the Congress is there and if you ask questions to the Congress, then you are helpful to the BJP even if you want the Congress with all your heart. And something similar is with the BJP people. It has become the same thing that once you are helpful to someone, then you have to support him in everything wrong, whether your heart says it or not. I know

Lost in the mud of dirty political work MISDEED PRIDE 2.3

Misdeed pride 2.3 (chapter - 1) lost in the mud You know Bihar's politics is completely based on cast politics. The place where there is MLA in Bihar is not able to develop the place where development is only in the place where the Chief Minister is in Bihar, only in the place where there are people belonging to the caste of Chief Minister. Well, I have seen one thing in the politics of whole India, that caste is political in the state and religion is political in the center. The MLA of the caste whose population is more in the state almost wins and the PM of the religion whose population is more in the center wins. All these political parties make the candidate according to caste and religion. And both of these things have more criminal background people. To get tickets one needs to have more criminal background than education. In the same way, it is also in Bihar, irrespective of caste or religion. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab, t

Lost in the mud of political love MISDEED PRIDE 2.2

Misdeed Pride 2.2   (Chapter - 2) Lost in the mud In our society, we say that poison bites poison, this saying applies everywhere but it is not applicable only in politics, you must be wondering why this is because we think that the leader is the leader If you can, then tell us why the government of Hon'ble Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee had fallen due to increase in onion prices as the UPA government was continuously falling in central in 2014. Every politician in us is a celebrity and everyone knows this because till date everybody had heard or seen that the dress auction of the actor or actress had been going on, but since our honorable prime minister's coat has been auctioned, everybody understood brother this is the hero of the country and after a few days his statement comes, We are beggars and go anywhere with a bag. Then I understood that our India is going to be a golden bird again and it is starting with the most popular and famous Prime Minister of our country. This

Lost in the mud of politics MISDEED PRIDE 2.1

Misdeed Pride 2.1 (chapter - 2) Lost in the Mud Do you know why rhinoceros jump in mud?  Why do rhinos wrap themselves in mud and have fun with themselves? Because he wants to keep himself calm more than keeping himself clean, in the same way a good politician tries to keep himself calm by jumping into the mud of politics and keeping himself clean. But sometimes it happens that he is not able to keep himself calm and runs around the city running madly like stray dogs. I was thinking something similar, I was thinking that I would keep calm in the midst of all this politics, but this simple politics should not let me remain calm and I also became a hard weapon of my country. And there were hunters wielding weapons like me, hunters sitting in Parliament, I believe that they hunt this sitting at home, not even for themselves but to maintain the status of their religion, caste, richness and poverty if this contractor does all these things If they do not protect, then they may die of hunger

Entry in politics MISDEED PRIDE 1.6

Misdeed Pride 1.6 (CHAPTER - 1) Politics and contract Yes then, when we were coming outside the cottage of wine party of Mahendra Singh, we saw many of the vehicles were moving around us. We got shocked. We saw around us they were like local goons and the politician's mans. All of the cars stopped around us and some of them moved out of the cars and coming towards us. Me and the girl was afraid of them and they were continue coming towards us. All of them stand around us and then a long haired man with white clothes coming towards me and all the standing men folded their hand and giving him the way to came to us. He came to us caught my cheek and said " well done my son",. I got shocked and watching his face surprisingly. I was having many questions in my mind at that time like who is he, is he saw us while they were killed inside, why is he so happy after their deaths and many questions were suddenly moving inside me. I got too much afraid about all of that, which were h

Bribery in political and government offices MISDEED PRIDE 1.5

MISDEED PRIDE 1.5 (chapter-1) politic and contract I know that there is a lot of difference between your world and our world. In this line, I want to tell the story of a political and a common man, not of a lover, I want to say who is the one who understands his world and who says It is that we are both together, we should work together, whether it is in the interest of the country or in the interest of the state, in the present India, every human being has been contracted by some person or other, everyone has taken the success of some or the other. We have taken the contract politically, it dwells in our blood. People here worry about others without meaning. I had heard that the ruling party is the servant of the people of the country, and here the ruling party has become the king. All the leaders of all the party play like kings here like dictatorship in democracy at urban level and criminal in bureaucracy at rural level. Today, 75 percent of the people of the country say that there

Story of Indian politics MISDEED PRIDE 1.4

  Misdeed pride 1.4 (chapter-1) Politic and Contract I was reading an article. India Today wrote that in 2018, around 22 people died in mob lynching and in just 16 cases in 2 months, including both Hindus and Muslims. People say that only a Muslims dies. In mob lynching, this crowd dose not belong to any religion or cast. This mob which is only of enmity, irritated and anger. They are less aware of their respective religions and are made up of poison of hypocrisy. Even today I am writing this but I am very afraid to write about two things. One is about those cow guards and the other about the hypocritical maulanas. However I love my cow-mother very much and worship her as well and I feel very proud to cow service. But I am saddened by the fact that the cow-mother(Gomata) whom we worship, the some Gomata is shielded and political and diplomatic by the contractors of the country. Well, whatever these people are doing, God will see them themselves. I want to leave everything behind their

story of Indian politics MISDEED PRIDE 1.3

Misdeed pride 1.3 (Chapter-1) Politic and Contract I have noticed that after 2014 the population of religion contractors has increased. Like frogs and fish in pond. Everyone started considering themselves as devotees of lord Rama. Everyone started considering themselves as devotees of lord Shankara. Among them are people from age 14 to age 25 who used to get money from parents and there was no one to take account. Shiva devotees consuming cannabis and those who sent fake messages on Facebook Whats app were called Ram devotees. I myself have seen good people ruining their lives in politics. Thousands of new parties had came like Shiva organization, Shiva youth organization and etc. How many such parties had been formed. Different types of parties were being organized in every religion. who was doing this, no political party, no big leader, no social worker, no social organization. All this was the reason for the youth's own brainwash. In all these, the lives of the youth were seen t

Story of Indian politics MISDEED PRIDE 1.2

Misdeed pride 1.2 (chapter-1) politics and contract I was able to understand that I heard voice from some distance with abuses. I was scared. I felt I do not even take interest in politics. How can it hurt me then? I told him brother, I do not even have interest in politics. So he said that you were the only one at the booth who did not vote for our party and voted on the horse impression. I am a little young, I cannot vote. Were do I vote for horse impression? This is India where you vote or not. If you are present at the booth, then understand that you will have to vote for someone, like a man or woman who is not in their native village or residence, somewhere else has settled in the city. Instead, someone will go by casting a vote and his vote will go only for the candidate of his cast or religion. How many people do not have their own voter ID cards. Still come by voting. With the help of non-voter ID and with a poling agent, this is known as vote poling. I started thinking that wh

Story of Indian politics MISDEED PRIDE 1.1

Misdeed  pride  1.1 chapter - 1 politics and contract 16 May 2014, it was morning. There was a fight between two big political parties in the country. Whose alliance were, Congress and BJP. The whole country was afraid of illegal and the criminal factor. The congress was in government for 10 years. Along with all mafia, illegal weapons and criminal factors, the criminal victim was also scared. C rime rate were stopped.  The result of the lok sabha election was about to come.  Everyone was very keen.  Many doubts were running in the minds of the people of the country.  I was also at the booth at the time of voting. therefore, it was going on my mind that the NDA government would be formed.  News channels was showing voting poll.  Due to which my doubts started changing.  Today, not only me but the neighborhood was also fully convinced that the NDA government will be formed.  The news channels were not tired of praising the NDA and the BJP.  There was a fear in the UPA alliance and espec